The Faces Behind CASCWA
San Joaquin Section

James Tate
San Joaquin Section
Clovis USD, Retired
The Faces Behind CASCWA
San Joaquin — Board Members

Sharma Uma
San Joaquin Section
Northern Area Representative
Stanislaus COE

Patricia Clark
San Joaquin Section
Northern Area
Member at Large
Stockton USD

Dennis Wiechmann
San Joaquin Section
Board Advisor
Sanger USD

Sergio Mendoza
San Joaquin Section
Membership Chair
Burton School District

Roxanne Baeza
San Joaquin Section
Fresno USD

David Cohen
San Joaquin Section
Board Advisor
Clovis USD

A Message From Our President
Dear CASCWA Members and Friends,
Just a few months ago, none of us imagined that we’d experience a period of such uncertainty. Covid-19 is an ongoing pandemic, and as a result, a lot has quickly changed for all of us— schools are closed, sports are discontinued, time with friends means wearing a mask and being six feet apart, and summertime plans are on hold. This is also a time for heartfelt re-evaluations of what matters most for civil society. We’re listening, learning, and coming together around issues of social justice.
What has remained constant during these past few months is our commitment to caring for the children and youth in our school districts and communities.
It’s an honor to serve as the new president of the San Joaquin Section of CASCWA.
What I’ve observed across the San Joaquin Valley is educators stepping up to serve and stepping out of our normal roles. We’ve helped our students adjust to schools being closed and to transition to distance learning. We’ve made sure our students have learning packets, technology, connectivity, and food. We’ve helped address our student’s well-being while they struggle with social isolation, stress and anxiety. We’ve made sure that outreach touches all students and families, helping those struggling the most to attend and engage in school. And, we’ve demonstrated acts of kindness in big and small ways. You’re our superheroes!
It’s now summertime. We’re all deeply involved in planning for reopening schools in safe and engaging new ways. I look forward to sharing how my district, Parlier Unified School District, moves forward, and to learning from all of you about how to open the new school year stronger and better than ever.
We’re in this together.
Stay well,
Praxades Torres III
San Joaquin Section President
2020-21 San Joaquin Section Executive Board Meeting Dates:
All regularly scheduled meetings are from 1:30-3:00
2020-21 Meetings:
Future meeting dates will soon be updated
Information on our future CASCWA San Joaquin events will be placed here soon!